Basic usage

The DQSEGDB service allows users to query for metadata associated with the operational status of the GEO, KAGRA, LIGO, and Virgo gravitational-wave detectors.

The dqsegdb2 Python package provides a number of functions to make requests to a DQSEGDB instance with authorisation credential handling.

Top-level API

The dqsegdb2 top-level module provides the following functions to perform basic queries against a DQSEGDB instance:


Query for all defined interferometers (IFOs).


Query for all defined flags for the given ifo


Query for defined versions for the given flag.


Query for segments for the given flag in a [start, stop) interval.

For example:

Query for segments associated with a versioned flag
from dqsegdb2 import query_segments
print(query_segments('G1:GEO-SCIENCE:1', 1000000000, 1000001000))