
dqsegdb2.api.segment_query_url(host, ifo, name, version, start=None, end=None, include='metadata, known, active')

Returns the URL to use in querying for segments

host : str

the URL of the target DQSEGDB2 host

ifo : str

the interferometer prefix

name : str

the name of the flag

version : int

the version of the flag

start : int

the start GPS time of the query

end : int

the end GPS time of the query

include : str, optional

the data to return, should be a comma-separated list of keys

url : str

the full REST URL to query for information


>>> from dqsegdb2.api import segment_query_url
>>> print(segment_query_url('', 'G1',
...                         'GEO-SCIENCE', 1, 1000000000, 11000000000))